Region: 新疆Xinjiang
吐鲁番图片Tulufan Pictures

I spent some time trying to capture a good image of her.
The children are playing with water from an underground water channel known as the Karez. The karez is an ancient method, probably originates in the Middle East, used to channel water from ice-capped mountains to local areas. It is made up of reservoirs, wells, above-ground canals and underground channels that relays the water to destinated areas.
The big girl asked if I may take their picture, so I gathered some of the children and took a formal group picture.
The kid proudly held up a piece of paper which I assumed was money.
Every household seems to have at least one of these beds or platforms for resting and drinking. These furnitures are usually carpeted.
The little girl sells bells to tourists at the entrance building to the 高昌故城 Gaochang Ruins.
Kids posing on the 高昌城墙 Gaochang city wall. One of them was carrying my rucksack.
Kids posing beside the 高昌城墙 Gaochang city wall. The two camels soon got uncomfortable with all the activities close to them.
Looming in the background is the contorted 火焰山 Huoyan Shan.
The common local way of moving around.