历代长城Great Wall Through the Ages[1]
Mouseover Options (Point Mouse over Text)
- 秦朝前的墙pre-Qin Walls(before –221)
- 秦长城Qin Great Wall (–221 => –206)
- 汉长城Han Great Wall(–206 => +220)
- 北齐长城Northern Qi Great Wall(386 => +534)
- 隋长城Sui Great Wall(+589 => +618)
- 明长城Ming Great Wall(+1368 => +1644)
- Manchurian Defense Line (first half of 17th C.)
万里长城Wanli Changcheng (Great Wall) — that I had been to and have online images
- 山海关,老龙头Shanhaiguan, Laolongtou (Old Dragon Head)
- 定边长城 - 三五九旅窑洞Dingbian's Great Wall
- 蟠龙山长城Panlongshan (Coiling Dragon Mountain) Great Wall
- 卧虎山长城Wohushan (Crouching Tiger Mountain) Great Wall
- 嘉峪关长城Jiayuguan (Jiayu Pass)
- 金山岭长城Jinshanling Great Wall
- 司马台长城Simatai Great Wall
- 北京长城Beijing's Great Wall
- 镇北台Zhenbeitai Tower
- 三关口Sanguankou Great Wall
- 秦长城Qin Wall

银川市至三关口长城的路线Road Map of Yinchuan City to Sanguankou Great Wall

- 1. 三关口长城Sanguankou Great Wall
- 2. 银川市Yinchuan City
- 3. 贺兰山Helanshan Mountains
- 4. 黄河Huanghe (Yellow River)
定边县边境的长城地图Road Map of Dingbian County to the frontier Wall

- 1. 定边县Dingbian County
- 2. 吴定高速公路Wuding Expressway
- 3. 定边的长城Dingbian's Great Wall
- 4. 至盐池方向Direction to Yanchi County
榆林至镇北台的交通地图Road Map of Yulin city to Zhenbeitai Tower

- 1. 镇北台Zhenbeitai Tower
- 2. 红石峡Hongshixia (Red Stone Gorge)
- 3. 四包公路Sibao Gonglu (West Baotou Road)
- 4. 榆溪河Yuxi River
- 5. 榆靖高速公路Yujing Expressway
- 6. 客运中心 (北站)North Bus Station
- 7. 榆林火车站Yulin Railway Station
- 8. 榆林汽车站 (南站)South Bus Station
- 9. 凌宵广场Lingxiao Square
包头市至秦长城的交通地图Road Map of Baotou city to Qin Wall

- 1. 包头市Baotou City
- 2. 东河区Donghe District
- 3. 固阳Guyang
- 4. 秦长城Qin Wall
- 5. 铁路Railway
- 6. 黄河Huang He (Yellow River)
- 1. Data from "A History of Chinese Civilization" by Jacques Gernet. Published by Cambridge University Press. Originally published in French as "Les Monde chinois" by Librairie Armand Colin, Paris, 1972. English Translation Cambridge University Press 1982. Pages 104 and 105.