China Travel Photography Maps Site Map Location List

北京市图片Beijing City Pictures

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 前门街门楼 Beijing City -- Qianmen street arch

    The entrance arch to 前门 Qianmen Gate.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 前门街门楼 Beijing City -- Qianmen street arch

    The entrance arch to 前门 Qianmen Gate.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 前门街门楼 Beijing City -- Qianmen street arch

    The entrance arch to 前门 Qianmen Gate.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 北京站 Beijing City -- Beijing Railway Station
  • Picture of 北京市 -- 崇文门 Beijing City -- Chongwenmen Gate Wall

    One of the remaining city walls.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 崇文门 Beijing City -- Chongwenmen Gate Wall
  • Picture of 北京市 -- 崇文门 Beijing City -- Chongwenmen Gate Wall
  • Picture of 北京市 -- 崇文门 Beijing City -- Chongwenmen Gate Wall

    Around the ruined wall is a park.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 鼓楼 Beijing City -- Drum Tower

    Side view of Beijing's large drum tower.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 钟楼 Beijing City -- Bell Tower

    Beijing's heavy-duty bell tower. Here hangs one of China's largest and heaviest cast-iron bell.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 钟楼 Beijing City -- Bell Tower
  • Picture of 北京市 -- 钟楼 Beijing City -- Bell Tower

    Tourist pedicabs lined the way to the bell tower.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 钟楼 Beijing City -- Bell Tower

    View of the bell tower from atop the drum tower.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 钟楼的石碑 Beijing City -- Memorial Stone

    A memorial stone outside the bell tower.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 钟楼的大钟 Beijing City -- Iron Bell

    This colossal cast-iron bell is one of the three largest in China today.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 鼓楼的鼓 Beijing City -- Drums

    The bells (I believe there were 9 of them) were struck every half hour for the tourists.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 鼓楼 Beijing City --  Bell Tower

    The drum tower looking from atop the bell tower.

  • Picture of 北京市 --  北海公园 Beijing City --  Beihai (North Lake)  Park

    北海 Beihai is the imperial garden of the 金 Jin, 元 Yuan, 明 Ming and 清 Qing dynasties. It is the oldest and best preserved imperial garden in China.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 王虎井 Beijing City -- Wanghujing

    王虎井 Wanghujing is a popular shopping and tourist center in Beijing city.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 王虎井 Beijing City -- Wanghujing

    Bronze cast statures of two musicians playing erlu and singing in the street.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 王虎井 Beijing City -- Wanghujing

    One of the wide crossroads in the area.

  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City
  • Picture of 北京市 -- 自行车 Beijing City -- bicycles

    Despite the growing possession of cars, bicycle is still clearly in much use. In the 王虎井 Wanghujing commercial area.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 教堂 Beijing City -- Church

    A church near the 王虎井 Wanghujing commercial area.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 王虎井 Beijing City -- Wanghujing
  • Picture of 北京市 -- 舞女孩 Beijing City --  Dancing Girl

    The little girl danced every time she came out of a clothing shop that she hangs around.

  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City

    Roof details of a house inside a 胡同 hutong.

  • Picture of 北京市 -- 街路 Beijing City -- street
  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City

    Daily exercise is a routine in China. There are exercising equipments in public parks and streets.

  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City

    I was staying in a hotel within this hutong during the 2 times (2004 and 2006) I was here. The hutong was in the process of being cleared for, I am assuming, commercial projects. The hutong stretched all the way to 前门 Qianmen leading to the Tiananmen Square. Much of it was already cleared.

  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City

    The same hutong.

  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City

    The same hutong. This is the 前门 Qianmen end of the long road.

  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City

    A residential doorway in a hutong.

  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City

    A residential doorway in a hutong.

  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City

    A residential doorway in a hutong.

  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City

    A residential doorway in a hutong.

  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City

    Chinese characters on top of the doorway,"四时平安“ (peace, tranquility, and general wellness throughout the 4 seasons).

image of an old man looking toward Shanghai\'s 浦东 Pudong skylineShanghai\'s 浦东 Pudong skyline

上海Shanghai: Today, the financial center of China as well as one of its cultural centers. Fashion lovers, misfits, intelectuals, dreamers, refugees, outcasts, and outlaws alike rush to Shanghai for its haven and riches. You come to Shanghai not for any historical attractions, but rather for the city itself -- its interactions of all things good and bad that generate hot gossips.

My translations of some Chinese poems.

trucks on the desert road

Pictures I took while on a bus traveling through the sandy deserts of 甘肃Gansu on my way to 嘉峪关Jiayuguan.

image of a group of Mongolian gersimage of dunes near Baotou city

Enjoy the wide 希拉穆仁草原Xilamuren grassland, the huge dunes of 响沙湾Xiangshawan, and the ancient Wall of the Qin state in 内蒙古Neimenggu (Inner Mongolia).

image of people on a boat in the Three Gorges area of the Changjiang river area

See the 三峡Three Gorges of the 长江Changjiang (Yangzi River) between 重庆市Chongqing city and 宜昌Yichang.

image of Great Wallimage of Great Wall

The 万里长城Great Wall from the shining 渤海Bohai sea to the Gobi desert west — 山海关Shanhaiguan (Shanhai Pass) to 嘉峪关Jiayuguan (Jiayu Pass).