Category: 长江Changjiang
长江三峡图片Changjiang's (Yangzi River) Three Gorges Pictures
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A boat family sailing close to the shore of the Little Three Gorges.
In the river areas, transportation by boat is still quicker and more efficient.
Tourist observing from the ship's deck on the Yangzi river.
Corn is the main crop in this area. These corns are served boiled or, mostly, roasted over coal. The corns are especially large and meaty.
A headshot of a local man taken from the window of a bus.
One of the two boat man on my boat. They treat you like royalty if you give cigarettes, especially foreign brands such as Marlboro Lights.
The Little Gorges river is shallow, and the current can be rapid. The long bamboo stick is use to maneuver the boat ahead of time.
She has a basket of stones that she collected on the shore. The stones have various textures, shapes, and color patterns. She sells them to tourists. Those with unusual color patterns demand the most.
A mother and son among tourists near a pier.
Photographed through the bus window while shuttling from the Changjiang river to the Daning River, where the Little Three Gorges are found.
A woman picking stones by the shore.
A mother and three daughters selling on one of the tourist paths to the Three Little Gorges.
Three girls walking dangerously along the river bank.
A group of locals ruxhing to the tourist scene to sell stones and food.
A family of three in a corn field by the shore.
A woman, with her basket, is walking briskly on the long gravel riverbank. She is spending her day finding worthwhile stones to sell to tourists.