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The doorway or gateway to anything is important. It lets the guests or trespassers know what is to come.

NEW -- July 21, 2010

The beautiful city of Suzhou crisscrossed with narrow water canals

正门,门楼,门廊图片Doorways Pictures

  • Picture of 渠家大园 Qu family's compound

    The Qu compound is long. Its courtyards are planned one after another through a series of doorways in a linear direction. From the entrance to the back, there are 5 doorways -- one goes up higher than the other along a 99 meter long path.

  • Picture of 渠家大园 Qu family's compound

    The doorway is topped with a small scaled-down roof supported by parallels of brackets called 斗拱dougong

  • Picture of 渠家大园 Qu family's compound

    Doorways to the family's theater. The theater is an important area for family and guest gatherings, so it has to be grand.

  • Picture of 渠家大园 Qu family's compound

    Less decorative doorways on the sides that lead to other courtyards.

  • Picture of 乔家大园 Qiao family's compound

    Between courtyards are these small doorways. They usually break the monotony of walls everywhere.

  • Picture of 乔家大园 Qiao family's compound

    After passing the pair of stone lions is a square space where one can look up and find a decorated square ceiling.

  • Picture of 乔家大园 - 门楼 Qiao family's compound - Menlou

    One of the doorways (this one is call 琳碧(Lin Bi) that opens to the main courtyards.

  • Picture of 乔家大园 - 门楼 Qiao family's compound

    Another one of the richly decorated doorways.

  • Picture of 乔家大园 - 门楼 Qiao family's compound
  • Picture of 关麓 Guanlu village
  • Picture of 宏村 Hongcun Village
  • Picture of 宏村 Hongcun Village
  • Picture of 关麓 Guanlu village
  • Picture of 关麓 Guanlu village
  • Picture of 宏村 Hongcun Village

    The heavy duty metal door seems a little inappropiate.

  • Picture of 宏村 Hongcun Village
  • Picture of 宏村 Hongcun Village

    Common doorway designs.

  • Picture of 关麓 Guanlu village
  • Picture of 关麓 Guanlu village
  • Picture of 南屏 Nanping village
  • Picture of 曹家大院 - 三多堂 Cao Family's Compound

    Another courtyard. The sophisticated doorway has a well-decorated eave supported by painted 斗拱dougongs (brackets). In front is a stone sculpture in the shape of a 元宝, a standard Chinese gold nugget. In the back is a grand 门楼(menlou), a structure consists of a set of columns that supports the 斗拱(brackets) that in turn support the protruding eave. 门楼(menlou) is an essential part of Chinese architecture.

  • Picture of 曹家大院 - 三多堂 Cao Family's Compound
  • Picture of 曹家大院 - 三多堂正门 Cao Family's Compound - Main Entrance

    The front entrance, which is located on the south side of the rectangular compound. The tourist entrance was around the corner on the east side. The extraordinary and intricate 门楼(doorway architecture) is typical of wealthy homes and is a sign of importance.

  • Picture of 常家庄园 - 门楼 Chang Family's Compound
  • Picture of 常家庄园 - 门楼 Chang Family's Compound
  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City

    A residential doorway in a hutong.

  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City

    A residential doorway in a hutong.

  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City

    A residential doorway in a hutong.

  • Picture of 北京市 Beijing City

    A residential doorway in a hutong.

  • Picture of 平遥 Pingyao
  • Picture of 平遥 Pingyao
  • Picture of 天坛--祈年门 Gate to the Hall

    Gateway to the ceremonial hall. The outline of the arch may be influenced by design patterns of ceramic and bronze vessels or, more likely, from the outline of the lotus.

  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡教堂内 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang mosque interior
  • Picture of 嘉峪关 Jiayuguan (Jiayu Pass)

    The arch tunnel of the west gate.

  • Picture of 苏公塔 Sugong Ta (Emin Minaret)
image of Tiananmen gateimage of the seventeen arch bridge in Yiheyuan

Walk through Beijing's great attractions -- 故宫Gugong (The Palace Museum), 天坛Tiantan (Temple of Heaven), 天坛天安门广场Tiananmen Square, 颐和园Yiheyuan (Summer Palace).

image of Wudangshan temple

The extraordinary temple complex in 湖北Hubei's legendary Daoist mountains - the source of much of China's famed 功夫Gongfu tradition.

image of Great Wallimage of Great Wall

The 万里长城Great Wall from the shining 渤海Bohai sea to the Gobi desert west — 山海关Shanhaiguan (Shanhai Pass) to 嘉峪关Jiayuguan (Jiayu Pass).

image of Tulufan's Emin MinaretPortriat of a Uygur girl in 二堡乡 Erbaoxiang

See 吐鲁番Tulufan's well-known attractions -- 苏公塔Sugonta (Emin Minaret), 高昌城Gaochang Ruins, and 火焰山Huoyan Shan (Flaming Mountains).

image of people on a boat in the Three Gorges area of the Changjiang river area

See the 三峡Three Gorges of the 长江Changjiang (Yangzi River) between 重庆市Chongqing city and 宜昌Yichang.