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吐鲁番图片Tulufan Pictures

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  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡一角 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang corner
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡伊斯兰教堂 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang mosque
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡屋内 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang interior

    I asked her if I may come in and she kindly invited me in. I set up my tripod just inside the doorway and took a few shots, but never left my spot. If I had been more brave and less civilize I could have asked to go up the stairs to take a look.

  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡一角 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang corner

    When you live long enough in this hot and arid area, tea drinking is really a pleasurable activity.

  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡大门 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang decorated doors

    Painted artworks are common on door panels.

  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡大屋 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang house
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡大屋 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang house
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡大屋 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang house
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡屋内 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang interior
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡街道 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang alley
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡教堂内 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang mosque interior
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡一角 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang corner scene
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡一角 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang wall scene

    The chickens here are skinnier and taller than its counterparts in the east. I often seen these in the streets of 乌鲁木齐 Wulumuqi, all cooked and ready to eat, but I couldn't bring myself to try it - mainly because the finish the chicken as it was selling as a whole and not as parts.

  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡土砖 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang mud-bricks

    The owner of these fresh mud bricks showed me how these were made. Here they lay sun-baking on the floor.

  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡屋子 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang house
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡屋子 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang house

    I can't help concluding that the folks here never get tire of sitting.

  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡街景 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang street scene
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡玩棋 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang playing a game

    They are playing a game with stones and sticks as game pieces and chalk-drawn grid on the ground as the field.

  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡街道 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang road scene
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡小贩 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang street vendor

    A vendor on the road to 苏公塔 Sugong Ta.

  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡街道 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang road
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡街道 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang road
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡街道 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang road
  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 二堡乡水道 Tulufan (Turfan) - Erabaoxiang water channel

    The irrigation water is for the grape fields to the left.

  • Picture of 吐鲁番 - 夜吃晚场 Tulufan (Turfan) - Outdoor food market

    This nighttime outdoor food market was just below my guesthouse near the bus station.

  • Picture of 吐鲁番市游戏场 Tulufan (Turfan) - Children playground

    The inflated children's playground is right on the city's center. Every night the owner will inflate the playfull shapes on the city square and charges an entrance fee.

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image of Jiayuguan fort

嘉峪关Jiayuguan (Jiayu Pass) - the lone fort at the edges of the desolate and bare Gobi desert. It is at once both a timeless symbol of human's uncompromising reach and an otherworldly mirage.

image of Great Wallimage of Great Wall

The 万里长城Great Wall from the shining 渤海Bohai sea to the Gobi desert west — 山海关Shanhaiguan (Shanhai Pass) to 嘉峪关Jiayuguan (Jiayu Pass).

My translations of some Chinese poems.

image of Tulufan's Emin MinaretPortriat of a Uygur girl in 二堡乡 Erbaoxiang

See 吐鲁番Tulufan's well-known attractions -- 苏公塔Sugonta (Emin Minaret), 高昌城Gaochang Ruins, and 火焰山Huoyan Shan (Flaming Mountains).