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China Travel Photography |
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中秋-八月十五 2005/09/18 | 本网站成立 Site launched on Mid-Autumn Festival Day. |
2006/05 - 2006/08 | Visited 7 new provinces(Xinjiang,Shanxi,Ningxia,Liaoning,Inner Mongolia,Hebei,Gansu) and about 25 new cities,towns,villages and sites. |
2006/08 | Back from traveling. Before the trip I had planned on using a Nikon D200 digital camera for all my images, but 2 weeks before leaving I decided in favor of using the Hasselblad as my main image-capturing machine. I shot 100 rolls Velvia 100 and 24 rolls of mostly Acros and Tri-X. For 35mm I brought along my Contax G-1 for color and the all-automatic Pentax ME for b+w. Unfortunately, the G-1 didn't work properly 3-weeks into the trip, and so I used the Pentax for color and my backup Minox for B+W. I shot 50 rolls of Velvia 100 and 20 rolls of mostly Neopan 400. I was also crazy enough to bring along my 4x5 as well. After 6 shots in color and 6 in B+W, I gave up and mailed the lot back to my hometown. It was too much to carry and too little chance of using it. I had all these developed a few days after I was back in NYC . Everything was fine except that my lab lost or, most likely, ruined a roll of 120 B+W. They claimed that the counter person miscounted the rolls, which is amusing since I also IDed the rolls with numbers 1-24. I am now editing the images and preparing them for scanning. I am also preparing a travelogue of this trip, which will appear in a new Traveloque section. In the meantime, I will continue to upload my previous trip's images. |
2006/09 - 2006/10 | Preparing a selected group of images (about 200) from my most recent trip; it will be a few pictures of each location that I visited in chronological order; they should give some sense of where I had been to. The pages will be ready by mid-October, hopefully. At the same time I am also preparing a travelogue of my experience walking the Great Wall from 古北口 Gubeikou to 司马台 Simatai. Update: The pictures are finally uploaded as of Oct. 28th. See them here. |
2006/11 | Making some minor cosmetic changes to the website's design. I am also preparing the Great Walls pictures. |
2006/12 | Still working on the Great Walls pictures. Modified the site's search engine (Dec.31). |
2007/01 | Uploaded 嘉峪关Jiayuguan (Jiayu Pass) (Jan.13). |
2007/02 | Uploaded 卧虎山长城Wohushan (Crouching Tiger Mountain) Great Wall, 蟠龙山长城Panlongshan(Coiling Dragon Mountain) Great Wall, 金山岭长城Jinshanling Great Wall, 哈密市至嘉峪关 Pictures From Hami To Jiayuguan, and 古北口镇Gubeikou Town(Feb. 15). |
2007/03 | Replaced the home page's seal which is located on the top-left corner of the page (March 2). The previous seal was hand-drawn, but I finally have the time to carve one on stone. After several attempts, I managed to carve a decent one. Unfortunately, the small image looked better on paper than online. I am in the process of editing the Beijing galleries--adding more images to the existing galleries as well as reorganizing them. Uploaded 故宫Gugong (The Palace Museum) images (March 17). |
2007/04 | Worked on home page's seal. I will be replacing it whenever I have a new one. Added some new images to the 天安门Tiananmen Square gallery(April 11). Added new images to the 天坛Tiantan(Temple of Heaven) gallery (April 13). Uploaded 北京市Beijing City Gallery (April 15). Added the Artwork Page with a 篆刻Seal Carvings Gallery(April 20). Uploaded the 宏村Hongcun Village gallery(April 30). |
2007/05 | Drew a map of 宏村Hongcun village. Edited and added more images of 宏村Hongcun village. gallery(May 28). |
2007/06 | Uploaded 南屏Nanping gallery (6/3). Uploaded 关麓Guanlu (6/10). Uploaded 镇北台Zhenbeitai Tower (6/15). I am always interested in toys, puzzles, crafts, odd inventions and interesting objects, and so whenever I find it I get it. So now I have a bunch. I decided to post a section on the 工艺品Arts and Crafts I acquired while travelling in China (6/27). Uploaded 平遥Pingyao (6/27), an old town with an intact city wall that surrounds a well-preserved Ming and Qing town layout. |
2007/07 | Added writings to some of the pages that has none. I am also working on a new Travel section that I hope will be done soon. Uploaded 定边长城 - 三五九旅窑洞Dingbian's Great Wall gallery (7/22). |
2007/08 | Uploaded 希拉穆仁草原Xilamuren Grassland and 响沙湾Xiangshawan Desert gallery (8/01). Made code changes of the site. |
2007/09 | Working on a new Travel Writing section that I hope will be opened by the middle of this month. 9/25 - 中秋节愉快Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. |
2007/10 | I finally opened my 游记Travel Writing section (10/02) with a piece on 二堡乡游记Erbaoxiang, a township about 40 km. from 吐鲁番Tulufan city, and some short pieces in the 笔记Notes and Observations subsection. After long hesitations, I decided to post some of my 早期美术 early 3-dimensional works that were done from junior high school to college(10/03). Update: I decided to remove my early sculptural works page (1/31/08). I want to post some of my photography that are unrelated to China, so I open a 摄影Photography section with a gallery of some of my 景物Still Lifes. and 花卉Flowers(10/08). Posted a travelogue on 《响沙湾游记》Xiangshawan Sand Dunes (10/18). Add more images to Flowers and Still Lifes(10/19). Made changes to the design of gallerylarge.php page(10/20). Uploaded 城楼Buildings and Structures page(10/27). Uploaded some of my 纽约中央公园New York City Central Park images (10/29). |
2007/11 | Posted the images on 吐鲁番Tulufan (Turfan or Turpan) (11/05). Added images of 火焰山Huoyan Shan (Flaming Mountains) and 苏公塔Sugong Ta (Emin Minaret) (11/11). Added images of 高昌故城Gaochang (Qorakhoja) Ruins(11/17). As of now I have completed all my images on Tulufan. |
2007/12 | Posted the images on 三关口长城Sanguankou Great Wall and 秦长城Qin Wall (12/11). |
2008/01 | Posted images on 山海关,老龙头 Shanhaiguan Pass and Laolongtou (Old Dragon Head), the eastern beginning of the Great Wall (01/02). I am now done with all my images of the Great Wall so far - until my next trip. Uploaded images of 景物Things that I see often (01/04). Added text to Shanhaiguan and Laolongtou page (1/07). Added text to 卧虎山长城Wohushan Great Wall (1/12). Created a few new categories:建筑Architecture, with a section on 明清建筑Ming and Qing Architecture, 明清室内建设Ming and Qing Interiors, 门口Doorways; 人物People, with a section on 人物People; and 自然Nature, with a section on 自然风景Natural Landscape(1/26). Added 纪念结构Monuments and Memorials (1/28). Removed my Early Sculpture page (1/31). I decided to focus on my Chinese pieces. |
2008/02 | Posted the images on 建筑,设计的细节和元素Architecture Elements and Design Details (2/01). Made a few cosmetic changes to the home page (2/03). 鼠年快乐Happy New Year (2/07). I wanted to make something interesting this Rat Year, so I did a little animation on the Home Page. I could not finish on time for the morning but managed to get it up at the late hours of New Year's day (2/07). Added the sitemap page (2/12). Working on a set of maps that I hope to put up this month. Added 中国地图Map of China (2/29). |
2008/03 | Making some design changes to the site's navigation menu (3/12). Finishing up the maps and will work on the images of several well-known merchant family compounds in Shanxi. Added 曹家大院 - 三多堂Cao Family's Compound (3/18). |
2008/04 | Made major design changes to the Home page (4/2). Working on another merchant family's compound located not far from the previous Cao family's compound. I wasn't satisfied with the recent designs, so I made more global design changes (4/11). Added 常家庄园Chang family's compound (4/13). |
2008/05 | Added more 纽约市中央公园New York City Central Park images (5/04). From 5/18 onward for 5 days, the front page's seal will change from red to white in mourning of Sichuan's earthquake victims. |
2008/06 | Making major updates to the layout of the site. Updated the gallerylarge page and added Google ads (6/10). |
2008/07 | Made major design changes to the Home page (7/18). Added 乔家大院Qiao Family's Compound (7/18). |
2008/08 | Added 渠家大院Qu Family's Compound (8/05). On August 13, I was diagnosed with a major health problem and that has been slowing my activities considerably. |
2008/09 | Added 太谷Taigu (9/05). (9/14) - 中秋节愉快Happy Mid-Autumn Festival; today marks the third anniversary of kingwong.com. Added 武当山Wudangshan (Wudang Mountains) (9/17). Started a wallpaper section with a few wallpaper samples. (9/24) |
2008/10 | Changed masthead layout. Added a Quote bar to the webpages. Updated 故宫Gugong Palace gallery with pictures taken from my first trip to China back in 1994.(10/11) |
2008/11 | (11/03) Updated 天坛Tiantan (Temple of Heaven) gallery with pictures taken from my first trip to China back in 1994. (11/26) Added two new seals. It has been a year since I carved one. I am spending more time on it and will be adding a few more in the coming weeks. In general I will be using more of my energy to concentrate on my artworks. I really missed it. |
2008/12 | (12/19) Added more pictures to 颐和园Yiheyuan (The Summer Palace). gallery with pictures taken from my first trip to China back in 1994. |
2009/01 | (01/16) Updated 篆刻Seal Carving page. Now you may enlarge to see a clear image of the seal impressions. Added a few more stone seals. |
2009/02 | Added a Poetry section to the bottom of my homepage. In this spot will be a single Chinese poem that I like and translated. A new one will appear whenever I have the time to do one. In the mean time I am also scanning some of my old vintage photographs and postcards that I may put up later. They are mostly American but I also have some European, Middle Eastern and Asian. |
2009/03 | Created a page for the Chinese poems that I translated.(03/10) Added travel information for 长江三峡Changjiang's (Yangzi River) Three Gorges.(03/16) |
2009/04 | Added more translated poems for my Chinese poetry page. |
2009/05 | Added 上海市Shanghai City pictures (5/17). |
2009/06 | I want to put some videos that I had shot in 2006. So I am planning a video section. All the video shots were captured on miniDV tapes. I shot about 20 hours worth of tapes on that 3-month trip, alot to look through and many hours just to digitalize them. |
2009/07 | Finishing the site's 视频Video section. After I got back from my last trip, I spent a very short time making a couple of DVDs on two subjects that I was especially mindful at the time of the shots. Due to that project I had some digital files. I looked through it and found 三关口Sanguankou Pass among the mix. It looks fine. I did a little editing and got it up on 07/06. Take a look. |
2009/08 | Created a higher level Sound and Video Section. As of now I have nothing on sound. For Video, I divided it into 旅游视频Destination Video for clips of tourist sites, and 艺术视频Art Video for art related clips. Uploaded an art video clip of my Shanghai hotel room (08/04). |
2009/09 | Will be heading back to China for a month, from 9/22 - 10/26. I have not finalize my itinerary yet — but most likely will be going south to 凤凰城Fenghuang Cheng in 湖南省Hunan province and 桂林Guilin in 广西Guangxi. One month is too short, but that's all I have. But hey, I get to celebrate 中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival (and that day also marks the 4th anniversary of this site) there, which will be great. This is the reason why I always planned my trips in Autumn. |
2009/10 | traveling in China, from 9/22 - 10/26. |
2009/11 | Back from China. Visited new areas in 湖南省Hunan province -- 凤凰城Fenghuang Old Town, 天子山Tianzhishan (Tianzi Mountains), 岳麓书院Yuelue Shuyuan (Yuelu University), and 司马台长城Simatai Great Wall. |
2009/12 | Added 凤凰城Fenghuang Old Town pictures (12/17). |
2010/01 | Added 天子山Tianzhishan (Tianzi Mountains) pictures (12/17). Added maps of 北京地图Beijing, 上海地图Shanghai, and 包头地图Batou. |
2010/02 | Added pictures taken on the road from 从呼和浩特市到希拉穆仁草原Huhehaote to Xilamuren Grassland (2/05). Added maps of 秦长城地图Qin Wall三关口长城地图Sanguankou Great Wall, 定边长城地图Dingbian Great Wall, 银川地图Yinchuan, and 包头至响沙湾地图Batou to Xiangshawan Desert. |
2010/03 | Added maps of 武当山地图Wudangshan, 湖北地图Hubei Province, and 包头地图Batou, 长江,三峡地图Yangzi River and the Three Gorges, 新疆地图Xinjiang, and 安徽地图Anhui Province. Added a 中国地形Topographical map of China(3/19). |
2010/04 | Added pictures of 定边县Dingbian County(4/01). Added the following maps: a ground map of 颐和园Yiheyuan (Summer Palace)(04/07); map of 新疆地图Xinjiang Region(04/07); map of 张家界至天子山地图Zhangjiajie city to Tianzhishan Mountains(04/07); 长沙,张家界,凤凰城地图Changsha city to Zhangjiajie city to Fenghuang town(04/07). Created a new category on 中国历史Chinese History, with subcategory 中国历史间表A Brief Timeline of China(04/19). Added video clip of 东湖船夫Donghu (East Lake) Boatman) (04/24). It is a work in progress. Added map of 山西地图Shanxi Province(04/30). |
2010/05 | Added map of 上海地图Shanghai(05/04), and 上海市地图Shanghai City(05/07). Added a video clip of 苏州夜景Suzhou Night Scenes (05/28). |
2010/06 | Added a video shot of 绍兴街景Shaoxing Street Scene (06/04). Added pictures of 朱家角Zhujiajiao (6/17). |
2010/07 | Added a couple of translated 诗Chinese poems. |
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