Region: 山西Shanxi
常家庄园图片Chang Family's Compound Pictures
The main entrance tower to the manor and large garden.
A closer view of the main entrance tower.
The large pavillion overlooking the private lake.
A closer view of the large pavillion overlooking the private lake.
Toward the end of a long road leading from the entrance.
The library consist of several hallways of carved calligraphy carved on stone slabs attached to the walls.
The library consist of several hallways of carved calligraphy carved on stone slabs attached to the walls.
The library consist of several hallways of carved calligraphy carved on stone slabs attached to the walls.
The library consist of several hallways of carved calligraphy carved on stone slabs attached to the walls.
The library consist of several hallways of carved calligraphy carved on stone slabs attached to the walls.
The library consist of several hallways of carved calligraphy carved on stone slabs attached to the walls.
The surrounding walls outside the main entrance with the moulded calligraphic characters.
One of the many designed (or imaged) walls.
One of the many designed (or imaged) walls carved out of bricks. 砖雕brick carving is a well-known specialty of the area.
A seatting area in one of the long outdoor pavillion-styled corridors.
One of the many carved stone posts used to tie the horses along the compound's road. This one has the popular monkey on guard.
A large broom.
One of the areas in the 静园(Tranquil Garden), the large private garden of the compound.
One of the areas in the 静园(Tranquil Garden), the large private garden of the compound.
One of the areas in the 静园(Tranquil Garden), the large private garden of the compound.
The family's large lake.
The area beside the lake, viewed from atop the 观稼阁Guanjiage Pavillion.
A view of the farmed areas from the tall pavillion.
The roof brackets of the another large pavillion beside the lake.
The intricate designs of everything. That is very common among the wealthy manors, for obvious reasons - the more the wealthier.
Details of the distinct brackets used in Chinese architecture.
A pair of lions guarding this buffer room.
Local crafts on sale.