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NEW -- July 21, 2010

The beautiful city of Suzhou crisscrossed with narrow water canals

天安门广场Tiananmen Square was built after the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949. Three gates between 天安门Tiananmen Gate and 前门Qian Men (Front Gate) were removed to expand the space for this public square. With its 440,000 square meter area, it is literally capable of packing a million people. In the summer you can expect a full square of people flying kites or, more often, sitting around; in the winter, however, there is not a kite. But whatever the time, once in Beijing city, it is difficult not come in contact with the square: It is a mecca and magnet that draws things and events to it.

天安门广场图片Tiananmen Square Pictures

  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen

    Tiananmen was built in 1417 during the Ming dynasty(1368-1644). It was originally named 承天门Chengtianmen, but the Qing emperor renamed it to its present name in 1651.

  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen

    Tiananmen was built in 1417 during the Ming dynasty(1368-1644). It was originally named 承天门Chengtianmen, but the Qing emperor renamed it to its present name in 1651.

  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen

    Tiananmen was built in 1417 during the Ming dynasty(1368-1644). It was originally named 承天门Chengtianmen, but the Qing emperor renamed it to its present name in 1651. The center lane was reserved for the emperor, and is closed to the public today.

  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen

    Tiananmen was built in 1417 during the Ming dynasty(1368-1644). The gate was originally named 承天门Chengtianmen, but the Qing emperor renamed it to its present name in 1651. There had been numerous renovations on the gate since the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949.

  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen

    Tiananmen was built in 1417 during the Ming dynasty(1368-1644). The gate was originally named 承天门Chengtianmen, but the Qing emperor renamed it to its present name in 1651. There had been numerous renovations on the gate since the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949.

  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen

    Tiananmen was built in 1417 during the Ming dynasty(1368-1644). The gate was originally named 承天门Chengtianmen, but the Qing emperor renamed it to its present name in 1651. There had been numerous renovations on the gate since the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949.

  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen

    Tiananmen was built in 1417 during the Ming dynasty(1368-1644). The gate was originally named 承天门Chengtianmen, but the Qing emperor renamed it to its present name in 1651. There had been numerous renovations on the gate since the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949.

  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen

    Tiananmen was built in 1417 during the Ming dynasty(1368-1644). The gate was originally named 承天门Chengtianmen, but the Qing emperor renamed it to its present name in 1651. There had been numerous renovations on the gate since the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949.

  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen

    One of the set of large characters gracing the facade of this gate. It reads "Long Live The People's Republlic of China"

  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen

    One of the set of large characters on the gate's facade. It reads "Long Live World Unity"

  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen

    The very large portrait of the revolutionary leader.

  • Picture of 天安门广场 Tiananmen Square

    Tiananmen Square in December

  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen

    Tiananmen lit at night.

  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen
  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen
  • Picture of 天安门 Tiananmen
  • Picture of 天安门广场 Tiananmen Square

    girl posing with the chinese flag on the square

  • Picture of 天安门广场 Tiananmen Square

    kite flying is a popular pasttime in this big square.

  • Picture of 天安门广场 Tiananmen Square

    through the 天安门Tiananmen gate

  • Picture of 人民英雄纪念碑 Monument to the People's Heroes

    This large granite obelisk was completed in 1958. Its surfaces have bas-relief carvings and writings of important revolutionary events within the last hundred years in china. The large calligraphy are that of Mao Zedong. Also included are the calligraphy of Premier Zhou Enlai. The guarded monument sits on the center of the square.

  • Picture of 人民英雄纪念碑 Monument to the People's Heroes

    This large granite obelisk was completed in 1958. Its surfaces have bas-relief carvings and writings of important revolutionary events within the last hundred years in china. The large calligraphy are that of Mao Zedong. Also included are the calligraphy of Premier Zhou Enlai. The guarded monument sits on the center of the square.

  • Picture of 人民英雄纪念碑 Monument to the People's Heroes

    This large granite obelisk was completed in 1958. Its surfaces have bas-relief carvings and writings of important revolutionary events within the last hundred years in china. The large calligraphy are that of Mao Zedong. Also included are the calligraphy of Premier Zhou Enlai. The guarded monument sits on the center of the square.

  • Picture of 人民英雄纪念碑 Monument to the People's Heroes

    This large granite obelisk was completed in 1958. Its surfaces have bas-relief carvings and writings of important revolutionary events within the last hundred years in china. The large calligraphy are that of Mao Zedong. Also included are the calligraphy of Premier Zhou Enlai. The guarded monument sits on the center of the square.

  • Picture of 天安门广场 Tiananmen Square

    Stature of revolutionaries.

  • Picture of 箭楼 Jiang Lou

    前门Qian Men consisted of two towers:Jian lou and Zhengyang Men. Jian Lou is the southern tower.

  • Picture of 正阳门 Zhengyang Men

    前门Qian Men consisted of two towers:Jian lou and Zhengyang Men. Zhengyang Men is the northern tower. Completed in 1440 during the Ming Dynasty. It is the tallest of the nine major gates constructed about the same time.

  • Picture of 箭楼 Jiang Lou

    前门Qian Men consisted of two towers:Jian lou and Zhengyang Men. Jian Lou is the southern tower.

  • Picture of 正阳门 Zhengyang Men

    前门Qian Men consisted of two towers:Jian lou and Zhengyang Men. Zhengyang Men is the northern tower.

image of a group of Mongolian gersimage of dunes near Baotou city

Enjoy the wide 希拉穆仁草原Xilamuren grassland, the huge dunes of 响沙湾Xiangshawan, and the ancient Wall of the Qin state in 内蒙古Neimenggu (Inner Mongolia).

clay figure of 钟馗 Zhong Kui

Arts and Crafts that I bought along my travels.

image of Wudangshan temple

The extraordinary temple complex in 湖北Hubei's legendary Daoist mountains - the source of much of China's famed 功夫Gongfu tradition.

image of Tiananmen gateimage of the seventeen arch bridge in Yiheyuan

Walk through Beijing's great attractions -- 故宫Gugong (The Palace Museum), 天坛Tiantan (Temple of Heaven), 天坛天安门广场Tiananmen Square, 颐和园Yiheyuan (Summer Palace).

image of stone lion

The stone lions, chimeras, toistoises and unicorns that guarded the royal tombs of the 六朝Six Dynasties Era for the past 1600 years.

My translations of some Chinese poems.