Category: 万里长城Great Wall
Camels and horse outside the west gate.
A camel getting some shades in a pavillion.
Camels and horses baking under the sun.
Camels are stubborn beasts. I like them. At the end of the day, I rode on one. It was a white camel (the only one) and we rode all the way to the east gate and onto the streets, a half hour ride. The owner with his brown camel rode in front and mines followed unwillingly. To get to the east gate and back into civilation, we had to go some distance to a breach on the south great wall. The undulating road made a great ride, and my two-humped camel just raced down and up the slopes, but then crawl on flat fields. I wasn't worried, if I can handle a horse I can handle a camel as well. The camel in front seemed to jingle along. It swaying butt was a big display. It surprised me when its gate flap opened and a cave-full of black balls suddenly, like an avalanche, dropped without a thought. They were no larger than lottery balls. And when I first saw them and held one up to the sky, I thought, they must be from outer space. The camel repeated this a few times before we got to the streets, so I know its operations quite well. When we got to the streets, my camel felt happy. Every few meters she would reach up to the trees and chew leaves. I was quite satified with the whole ride until I got off and stepped on her droppings. It wouldn't have been so bad if her's were balls, but instead it was the mud pie variety. I wonder if she had a bad day.
There were as many woman camel riders as there were men camel riders.
The camels rather sleep than carry anyone around.
The owners and their camels and horses returning home. They disappeared toward the north, where the 黑山 Heishan (Black Mountains) are。
Commissoner 林则徐 Lin Zexu (1785-1850) found himself here after his famous burning of large quantities of imported British opium in Guangzhou.
One of main malls in the small Jiayuguan City.
A fashionable lady ready to go home the leisurely way. Man-powered vehicles such as this three-wheeler are very popular in small cities. They are easy to navigate the streets, easy to maintain, and consume no natural resources, therefore affortable.
ONe of the commercial lanes, selling mostly clothings and footewears.
Four women vendors selling fruits.
Bicycles are still the vehicle of choice for moving around.