Region: 安徽Anhui
The interior of 承志堂 Chengzhitang, one of the main buildings of the village.
The interior of 承志堂 Chengzhitang, one of the main buildings of the village.
Interior of 承志堂 Chengzhitan., On these main beams are exquisite carvings, usually of important gatherings, moral illustrations, or historical legends, such as those of the 三国 Three Kingdoms.
Close-up of the previous beam with the carvings. The carvings are gold painted. The hooks are used for hanging lanterns.
In the past the lanterns must be better-made and properly hung with a more appropiate color string or other methods.
Most old residences have an openning on the roof to allow water and sunlight into the interior. This is characteristic of Hui architecture in the area.
A wood-walled interior.
Detail of a wood screen door with lock. Included in the screen pattern are carved forms of bats, a symbol of good luck.
Woodcarving decorations on one of the doorways in a large room.
Detail of a wood screen door. Included in the screen pattern are carved scenes taken from novels or history; also popular are carved objects of things representing wealth, luck, education, or longevity.
Swallows are common in villages. If they like your place and decided to stay by building their nests, then you are in good fortune. the nest are usually built underneath eaves or the above an entrance doorway. One I saw above a doorway; the owner installed a metal cover above the nest to shield it from rain. Here it perches on a ceiling hook.
A family of five bats. Bats represents good fortune because the 蝠(bat) is pronounced the same as 福(fortune). There may be other reasons.
Among the objects are Qilins (unicorns). Qilins are mythological animals of the first order. Their appearances foresee significant events or persons to come. A qilin was said to appear at the birth of Confucius.
There is a second level but closed for tourists. I was told that it has wood planks for the floor.
The ceiling are painted with scenes, similar to carved ones on wood.
A 门罩 menzhao below an open rooftop. Menzhao are sort of a cover, symbolically to protect what is below.
The stone base of the pillars and wood walls.
Interor of 南湖书院 Nanhu school.
Interor of 南湖书院 Nanhu school.
Interor of 南湖书院 Nanhu school. I am not sure the figure in the painting is 孔夫子 Kong Fuzi (Confucious) or the Song Neo-Confucianist philosopher 朱熹 Zhu Xi.
Interor of 南湖书院 Nanhu school. I am not sure the figure in the painting is 孔夫子 Kong Fuzi (Confucious) or the Song Neo-Confucianist philosopher 朱熹 Zhu Xi.
Room interior.
local children.