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金山岭长城 - 小金山楼 Jinshanling Great Wall - Little Jinshan Tower
建筑Architecture 明清建筑Ming Qing Architecture-mingqingarchitecture_2 >>gubeiBK0012

金山岭长城 - 小金山楼

Jinshanling Great Wall - Little Jinshan Tower

Picture ID:  gubeiBK0012
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See more images at 金山岭长城Jinshanling

This is the 小金山楼 Little Jinshan Tower. By the time I reached this tower, it was close to 9:00 in the evening, and although the area was brighter than usual due to the surrounding fog, my injured leg could no longer bring me to the next tower, which is the 大金山楼 Large Jinshan Tower. I had hope to spend the night there, which had an open room upstair with a door; but with my bad leg and the fog, which hided the next tower, I decided to spend the cold night here in the company of the ghostly fog sweeping in the arch windows.