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曹家大院 - 三多堂 Cao Family's Compound
建筑Architecture 明清建筑Ming Qing Architecture-mingqingarchitecture_2 >>caofc010

曹家大院 - 三多堂

Cao Family's Compound

Picture ID:  caofc010
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See more images at 曹家大院Cao Family Compound

Another courtyard. The sophisticated doorway has a well-decorated eave supported by painted 斗拱dougongs (brackets). In front is a stone sculpture in the shape of a 元宝, a standard Chinese gold nugget. In the back is a grand 门楼(menlou), a structure consists of a set of columns that supports the 斗拱(brackets) that in turn support the protruding eave. 门楼(menlou) is an essential part of Chinese architecture.